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Couverture de The Synoptic Gospels of The New Testament: Matthew, Mark, & Luke

The Synoptic Gospels of The New Testament: Matthew, Mark, & Luke

De : King James Version
Lu par : Rev. Patrick Ann Clay-Joyner
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    These 3 New Testament books by different authors confirm the life, teachings, miracles, and spirituality of Jesus's life. The word “synoptic” comes from the Greek word "synoptikos", and means “able to be seen together.” The word "gospel", means "good story", and is a combination of Latin evangelium and Greek euangelion (originally meaning "good news" or "good telling"). Even though they're each unique, the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke share their own versions of many of the same portions of the life of Christ, often in the same order and with similar wording, but nuanced differences. Comprehensively, they tell a timeless story bigger than humanity.

    The Narrator and catalyst for this audiobook, Rev. Patrick Ann Clay-Joyner, is a graduate of Payne Theological Seminary, and a Retired Elder of the AME Church. During her almost 40 years as clergy, she served as Pastor, as well as Chaplain, in the states of Kentucky,Tennessee, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin.

    Always a trailblazer, the Rev. Clay-Joyner was the first woman to host an Annual Conference in the 13th Episcopal District. She attended the inaugural Women in Ministry Conference in Atlanta, GA (1980). WIM would become the voice of female clergy within the AME Church. During the early years, Rev. Clay-Joyner served as District Coordinator under three Bishops, and as a consultant in the Chicago Annual Conference.
    Before entering into itinerant ministry, she was for 15 years a Pastor's Wife and Presiding Elder's Spouse. She is a proud mother of two adult children, and three grandchildren.

    ©2024 Rev. Patrick Ann Clay-Joyner (P)2024 Rev. Patrick Ann Clay-Joyner

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