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Couverture de The Swifts

The Swifts

De : Beth Lincoln, Claire Powell - illustrator
Lu par : Nikki Patel
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    A hilarious mystery adventure perfect for fans of Robin Stevens and Lemony Snicket.

    On the day they are born, each Swift is brought before the sacred Family Dictionary. They are given a name and a definition, and it is assumed they will grow up to match. Unfortunately, Shenanigan Swift has other ideas.

    So what if her relatives all think she's destined to turn out as a troublemaker, just because of her name? Shenanigan knows she can be whatever she wants - pirate, explorer or even detective.

    Which is lucky, really, because when one of the Family tries to murder Arch-Aunt Schadenfreude, someone has to work out whodunit.

    With the help of her sisters and cousin, Shenanigan grudgingly takes on the case, but more murders, a hidden treasure and an awful lot of suspects make thing seriously complicated.

    Can Shenanigan catch the killer before the whole household is picked off? And in a Family where definitions are so important, can she learn to define herself?

    ©2023 Beth Lincoln (P)2023 Penguin Audio


    A stunning debut . . . This is an exquisitely written book about identity and wordplay that's as warm, masterful and up-to-date as it is laugh-out-loud funny. (Kitty Empire)
    Deliciously, quirkily Gothic (Robin Stevens)
    Murder most splendid in this ghoulish debut (Emily Bearn)

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