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  • The Survivor From Block 19

  • Unforgettable World War 2 Stories, Book 3
  • De : Arie Blumenfeld
  • Lu par : John d'Swain
  • Durée : 9 h et 52 min

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The Survivor From Block 19

De : Arie Blumenfeld
Lu par : John d'Swain
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    Poland, 1943. Samuel is only sixteen when he arrives at the somber metal gates of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp. He is forced deep inside the camp with the few remaining survivors from his village. They march past the smoking crematoriums, toward their future, toward their fate. Toward Block 19.

    Even at such a young age, the horrors of war are something Samuel knows all too well. Having lived through the liquidation of the Krakow Ghetto, he faced the brutality and cruelty of the Germans, fighting for his survival day by day. But Block 19 would test his bravery and endurance in ways he could never have imagined. Even if he survives, will he ever heal from the deep scars of such darkness?

    The Survivor From Block 19 is the incredible true story of Samuel Blumenfeld and his extraordinary, heart-wrenching journey: from a small village in Poland to his survival of the death marches, the labor camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau and a surprising final confrontation with his worst nightmare – Adolf Eichmann himself.

    ©2024 ARIE BLUMENFELD (P)2024 eBookPro

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