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Couverture de The Super Sports Society Vol. 1

The Super Sports Society Vol. 1

De : Bryan Chick, Brett Radlicki - illustrator
Lu par : Mark Sanderlin
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    Two best friends. One spot on the baseball team. And a giant, looming, SMELLY turd tank. What could possibly go wrong? This is the first chapter book in a laugh-out-loud funny series told in dual point-of-view that's about friendship, teamwork, and the occasional fart joke. PFFFT. Fans of The Last Kids on Earth, Big Nate, and The Secret Zoo will love The Super Sports Society.

    Eleven-year-old Tommy has dreamed of being on the Bulldogs sports team forever. The Bulldogs eat, breathe, and fart sports. They’re part of the elusive Super Sports Society in his hometown, and Tommy knows that if he makes the team, he’ll be set up for life.

    Meanwhile, Pel would rather be at home gaming in the air conditioning, but his mom decided that he has to “be a role model” to his little siblings (ugh!), and now he’s trying out for the Bulldogs too. At least that means the two BFFs won’t be in competition for the spot . . . right? (Wrong.)

    Join Pel; Tommy; the owner of a pickle store, Pete; a supercool girl named Clutch; a coach who wears sunglasses inside; and the rest of the Bulldogs sports team in this epically awesome book that’s packed with tons of laugh-out-loud moments.

    But be warned—this book is based on a true story. Do NOT eat this many sunflower seeds at home . . . trust us.

    "Equal parts baseball and potty humor with an added whiff of conflict resolution." - Kirkus

    "The dialogue between characters will make the reader feel like they are in the huddle alongside Tommy and Pel!" - Matt Eicheldinger, New York Times bestselling author of Matt Sprouts and the Curse of the Ten Broken Toes

    Bryan Chick and Brett Radlicki hit an easy home run with The Super Sports Society. Full of heart and humor, The Super Sports Society is cool enough to wear sunglasses indoors." - Terrance Crawford, bestselling author of the Piggy series

    ©2024 Bryan Chick (P)2024 Simon & Schuster Audio
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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