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Couverture de The Sun Rises

The Sun Rises

De : Jerri Hines
Lu par : Sandra Parker
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    The dramatic conclusion to the absorbing, tantalizing saga Southern Legacy! Set against the backdrop of Antebellum Charleston with the martial clash of brother against brother looming on the horizon-here is an absorbing, tantalizing saga of life during one of our country's most turbulent times--Southern Legacy Series.  

    From the ashes of war, can an ember of love still burn? The final chapter of this sweeping tale finds Josephine Wright Montgomery reeling from the devastation and loss around her. Stunned, she has never felt so helpless and alone. The life she has known is gone forever. Through her courage and strength, she is determined to hold onto Magnolia Bluff, but there is more working against her than the war raging.  

    US Navy Lieutenant Cullen Smythe has distinguished himself with his bravery and valor in the hard fought campaigns at New Orleans and Mobile. Time and battles have done little to expunge the demons that haunt him. Nevertheless when he receives news he has long feared, he has no choice. He follows his heart back to Josephine...but will it be too late?

    ©2018 Jerri Hines (P)2018 Jerri Hines

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