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  • The Summer of Sunflowers

  • Hollyhill Valley, Book 1
  • De : Lila Grey
  • Lu par : Sarah Kuklis
  • Durée : 1 h et 49 min

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The Summer of Sunflowers

De : Lila Grey
Lu par : Sarah Kuklis
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    Juniper: Moving to Hollyhill Valley is a fresh start. Nobody to judge me as a single mom, new friends who aren’t connected to my slimy ex, and a new town for me and my son, Tobias, to explore. What I never expected is the broody, long-haired Irishman next door to grow a soft spot for my son. Cody is a thorn in my side, but seems to keep wiggling his way into my heart. But as I slowly fall for him, I can’t help but wonder if this can truly work out. Can our summer love survive the fall? Or will the curse of my ex strike again?

    Cody:I was happy living my life along; just me and my dog, Dagda. That was until the new neighbor and her son came crashing into my life... literally. Juniper is a whirlwind of sunshine that I’m not used to. Her son, Tobias, wiggles his way into my heart, winning me over with his hilarious personality and curious wee mind. As I spend more time with the boy, I can’t help but start to fall for his mom. Juniper’s happy-go-lucky attitude is addicting, and I want more than just a friendship with her. As the summer rolls along, she opens up and spills some of her secrets. Can we make this relationship work? Or will this summer love crumble under the pressure of her ex?

    ©2022, 2023, 2024 Lila Grey (P)2024 Lila Grey

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