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  • The Strategic Leader's Roadmap, Revised and Updated Edition

  • 6 Steps for Integrating Leadership and Strategy
  • De : Harbir Singh, Michael Useem
  • Lu par : Lyle Blaker
  • Durée : 2 h et 48 min

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The Strategic Leader's Roadmap, Revised and Updated Edition

De : Harbir Singh, Michael Useem
Lu par : Lyle Blaker
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    In The Strategic Leader's Roadmap, Updated and Revised Edition: 6 Steps for Integrating Leadership and Strategy, Wharton management professors Harbir Singh and Michael Useem offer a six-point checklist for today's leaders to follow. They explain how leading strategically will help managers strengthen their capacity to develop strategy and to lead its execution.

    Drawing on one-on-one interviews with CEOs, in-depth research, and their experience teaching today's executives and tomorrow's leaders, Singh and Useem take listeners into the offices-and mindsets-of some of today's foremost strategic leaders.

    In this fully updated and revised edition, Singh and Useem explore: How Indra Nooyi rose to become CEO of PepsiCo and led its successful strategic redirection; How Jack Ma consistently pivoted and outflanked competition to position Alibaba to become a global behemoth; How John Chambers, executive chairman of Cisco Systems, changed his and other company leaders' leadership to stay ahead of disruption; How Lawrence Culp Jr., the CEO of General Electric, has increased efficiency by up to 900% by undertaking a thorough examination of process and strategy. The Strategic Leader's Roadmap will enable leaders at all levels to master the abilities necessary to keep their companies ahead of the competition.

    ©2016, 2021 Harbir Singh and Michael Useem (P)2024 Ascent Audio

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