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  • The Story of the Unknown Soldier

  • What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
  • De : Clara Greene
  • Lu par : Liana Alexis
  • Durée : 4 h et 20 min

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The Story of the Unknown Soldier

De : Clara Greene
Lu par : Liana Alexis
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    An impassioned veteran embarks back in time on a long-suffering military experience and the unexpected transition thereafter through the eyes of a meek and humble woman. She must come to embrace the life she now lives in sickness and health in remarkable ways through everything surrounding her.

    By the time it came for her to have a military medical evaluation, she really wasn’t feeling up to it, given the extent of how she felt that entire month. After the doctors did their evaluation and sent off the report, she waited for the final decision. An army evaluation liaison officer contacted her months later regarding her evaluation status. The Army decided to move her from temporary disability to permanent disability after learning that her service-connected conditions had not gotten better since being discharge from the service.

    Two years after her medical evaluation, she noticed a hard mass in her chest and notified the doctor. It’s not a tumor...her chest just felt sore from woman situations. She was scheduled for a mammogram that suggested that she may have DCIS (Ductal carcinoma in situ), stage 0 breast cancer. The doctor order a biopsy to determine the status of the mass.

    ©2021 Clara D Greene (P)2022 Clara D Greene

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