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Couverture de The Story of My Super Dad!

The Story of My Super Dad!

De : Samira Sikder
Lu par : Samira Sikder
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    From the self-proclaimed animator, illustrator, author, and loving daughter Samira Sikder (@lemon.plant), who wrote this book to commemorate her father and all the daddies in the world, comes a picture book, adapted for audio, about her real-life story about her SUPER DAD!

    Meet my Dad. He's no ordinary man; he's my superhero! Come along with me as we follow my Super Dad and see all the incredible things he can do. He may not be able to fly or jump across buildings, but there is something more special about him. Are you ready to find out?

    Authors note:

    This storybook was illustrated and written by me! It follows the true story of my father before and after his sickness. I wanted to write and illustrate something for kids who went through the same thing as me, as I, too, was very young when my father became disabled. This story is about love, hope, and compassion toward the ones we love. I hope you enjoy the story, and I hope it helped someone out there!

    This loving storybook is for kids 5-8 and can be enjoyed with grandparents, big brothers, and sisters, and parents, over and over again. The perfect gift for Father's Day, birthdays or for someone trying to understand a disability.

    After listening to this book, show some love to the ones closest to you. Let them know that they are your superheroes!

    MUSIC: Acoustically driven instrumental by Hyde - Free Instrumentals

    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

    Music provided by Music for Creators

    ©2022 Samira Sikder (P)2022 Samira Sikder

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