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Couverture de The Story of Katie Luther

The Story of Katie Luther

De : Gretchen Ronnevik
Lu par : Aimee Lilly
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    Children's Book Illuminates Katie Luther's Life and Her Journey to Find Lasting Freedom

    Strong-willed, courageous, and faithful—Katharina Von Bora, later known as Katie Luther, was a nun striving for perfection and favor from God. But after hearing the ideas of the Reformation circulating around Europe, she boldly stepped into true freedom given through Jesus Christ.

    This short and lively biography takes middle-grade listeners on a journey through Katie Luther's life, highlighting her difficult escape from the convent, her unique and rewarding marriage to Martin Luther, and her experiences with family, love, and loss.

    The Story of Katie Luther emphasizes the difference between legalism and good works done in freedom which demonstrates gospel power and produces love for one another. This addition to the Lives of Faith and Grace series engages kids ages 8–14 in the drama of history, showing how God worked in the past through ordinary people like them.

    • Lively Biography: Explores the life of Katie Luther—her escape from the convent, her marriage to Martin Luther, and her freedom through Christ
    • Part of the Lives of Faith and Grace Series: Engages kids with the real-life stories of Christian men and women from history
    • Written for Kids Ages 8–14
    ©2024 Gretchen Ronnevik (P)2024 Crossway
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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