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  • The Story of Gumluck and the Dragon's Eggs

  • Gumluck the Wizard, Book 2
  • De : Adam Rex
  • Lu par : Christina Moore
  • Durée : 3 h

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Couverture de The Story of Gumluck and the Dragon's Eggs

The Story of Gumluck and the Dragon's Eggs

De : Adam Rex
Lu par : Christina Moore
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    The story of Gumluck continues! Introducing the second installation in a laugh-out-loud and critically acclaimed chapter book tale from New York Times bestselling author Adam Rex.

    Listeners, be warned! This book contains three precious eggs, one confused dragon, a very silly wizard, and the tiny ghost who haunts his hair.

    The follow-up to The Story of Gumluck the Wizard finds everyone's favorite noodlehead wizard at it again in another hilarious adventure of mistaken identity, courage in the face of fire (literally), and the most unlikely friendship in all of Prince Whoop-de-doo's unlikely little kingdom.

    With a lighthearted mix of fantasy and fairytale elements, this imaginative book is perfect for young fans of wizardry, magic, and the special alchemy of friendship.

    THE DYNAMIC DUO OF GUMLUCK AND HELVETICA: This hapless wizard and his lovingly critical friend Helvetica the Raven are memorable characters young readers will love rooting for.

    EVERYONE LOVES GUMLUCK THE WIZARD: Named a best book of the year by Kirkus Reviews, the Chicago Public Library, and many more, Book One in the series received five starred reviews, calling it "adorable," "silly and heartfelt," and "a tale to treasure."

    FAVORITE AUTHOR: Acclaimed children's book creator Adam Rex is known for his funny and smart stories. The winner of countless state list awards, Rex is the author of beloved books, including On Account of the Gum, Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich, School's First Day of School, and many more.

    ©2024 Adam Rex (P)2024 Recorded Books

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