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Couverture de The Story Thief

The Story Thief

De : Kyra Geddes
Lu par : Jennifer Vuletic
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    Her family's story made Henry Lawson famous. But was it his story to tell?

    Fact and fiction meld into one in this stirring family saga set against shifting landscapes and pivotal moments in Australian history. Lillian was born in 1892, the same year Henry Lawson wrote 'The Drover's Wife' and cemented his place in Australia's literary canon.

    When Lillian reads the short story as a teenager, she is convinced that it is based upon her own family and becomes determined to prove it. But as the years pass, the truth becomes more problematic, and Lillian must decide what is more important: holding onto the past or embracing the future.

    The Story Thief is about mothers and daughters, love, loss and the power of words. Ultimately it is about how each of us must find our own way to live.

    ©2024 Kyra Geddes (P)2024 W. F. Howes Ltd


    ‘Brimming with evocative, authentic detail, The Story Thief brings a fresh, feminist perspective to Australian literature and art. Australian historical fiction at its finest.' LIANE MORIARTY

    ‘The Story Thief is a finely wrought historical novel about those who have been seen, but not seen, in Australian literature and in life. RYAN O'NEILL, author of The Drover's Wives

    ‘Vividly drawn – a delightful book.' WENDY SHARPE, multi-award winning Australian artist

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