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Couverture de The Story Seeker

The Story Seeker

De : Kristin O'Donnell Tubb
Lu par : Brittany Pressley
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    Inspired by the true story of a girl who lived in the library, Kristen O'Donnell Tubb's The Story Seeker continues the Story Collector series with a heartwarming middle-grade mystery that captures the illustrious New York Public Library during the roaring '20s.

    Twelve-year-old Viviani Fedeler, proud resident of the New York Public Library, has her sights set on becoming a star reporter. She’s thrilled when Miss Hutch announces a story contest where the winner gets their essay printed in the New York Times!

    But then, Viviani gets her first-ever case of writer’s block. As she struggles to find inspiration, the library is hit with a strange mystery involving overdue books, secret messages, and perhaps a spy lurking among the shelves.... Will Viviani be able to crack the code and find the perfect story worthy of a byline?

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2020 Kristin O'Donnell Tubb (P)2020 Macmillan Audio

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