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  • The Story Behind

  • The Extraordinary History Behind Ordinary Objects
  • De : Emily Prokop
  • Lu par : Emily Prokop
  • Durée : 4 h et 18 min

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Couverture de The Story Behind

The Story Behind

De : Emily Prokop
Lu par : Emily Prokop
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    Learn the fascinating history and trivia behind the everyday items we take for granted — from the host of the popular podcast The Story Behind, Emily Prokop! 

    Many of us learn about the major inventions that shape our world. But we too often overlook the objects we use every day. In The Story Behind, Emily Prokop, creator of the Webby Award nominated podcast, explores the who, how, and huh? of everything from Band-Aids to bubble gum; hypnosis to Hula Hoops; and lullabies to lead pipes. Along the way, she demonstrates how the major events of history - from wars, plagues and revolutions to historic achievements and discoveries - have influenced some of the world’s most pervasive inventions. From food, fashion and games to transit and modern technology, The Story Behind offers a closer look at the things closest to us.

    ©2018 Emily Prokop (P)2020 W F Howes


    "There's something so fascinating about looking into the history and stories behind the everyday, mundane, and ordinary. Emily's book will perfectly scratch the itch of curiosity you have for thing you see everyday!" (Patrick Foote)

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