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Couverture de The Stone Initiation

The Stone Initiation

De : Debbie Cassidy
Lu par : Jameson Adams, Rachel LeBlang
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    There's no place for a half blood at the gargoyle table.

    I've been a shameful secret all my life. Shunned by my pureblood gargoyle father to keep up appearances. But it never mattered because I had Romi.

    My half-brother. My best friend. My true family.

    Until death took him from me.

    They say it was an accident. I say that's bull.

    They're hiding something, and the only way to get to the truth is to step into Romi's world.

    Stonehaven Academy is where Romi worked with his elite guard to hone the next generation of warriors, and it's where I'll find my answers.

    A world where I'll be pitted against pureblood gargoyles and not expected to survive. A world of secrets, revelations, and forbidden fruit in the form of Serath—the lethally beautiful sigma leader of the elite team.

    If I want answers, I'll need to get close to the sigma. I'll need to play with fire and be prepared to get burned.

    But there's a reason Serath is off limits.

    A reason, that could mean the difference between life and death.

    Because the Stone Council is hiding a horrific truth.

    One, that if revealed, could tear our world apart.

    The Stone Initiation is the first book in the Gargoyles of Stonehaven series. A heart-pounding MF paranormal romance that weaves a tale of fated mates and impossible desires, where dark secrets and forbidden passions collide, and a hidden destiny awaits.

    ©2023 Debbie Cassidy (P)2024 Insatiable Press

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