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The Starseed Sacred Circle

De : Yolandi Boshoff
Lu par : Yolandi Boshoff, Rob Walker
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Stepping out of the weirdo closet will set you free! For so long we have been hiding from who we truly are. We have hidden away our glorious weird selves for fear of judgement. No more!

In this transformative book, soul coach Yolandi Boshoff tells her deeply personal story of discovering her own starseed connection and stepping into the wonderful world of woo woo straight after choosing to leave her successful corporate career.

She takes you on a journey of self-discovery and dismantling your own judgements, as well as those of the world around you. She delves into the Akashic Records, starseed wounds, DNA activation, light language, and the relationship with the patriarchy.

You will be guided through her starseed sacred circle work, connecting to your shadow, your truth, your power, and your inner wisdom, all whilst learning to work with Mother Gaia and the light beings from Arcturus, Andromeda, Pleiades, and Sirius.

This book will inspire you to embrace your magnificent truth. Are you ready?

©2021 Yolandi Boshoff (P)2023 Yolandi Boshoff
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