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Couverture de The Stardust Grail

The Stardust Grail

De : Yume Kitasei
Lu par : Katharine Chin
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    A thrilling anti-colonial space heist to save an alien civilization from the acclaimed author of The Deep Sky.

    Maya Hoshimoto was once the best art thief in the galaxy. For ten years, she returned stolen artifacts to alien civilizations – until a disastrous job forced her into hiding. Now she just wants to enjoy a quiet life as a graduate student of anthropology, but she's haunted by persistent and disturbing visions of the future.

    Then an old friend comes to her with a job she can't refuse: find a powerful object that could save an alien species from extinction. Except no one has seen it in living memory, and they aren't the only ones hunting for it.

    Maya sets out on a breakneck quest through a universe teeming with strange life and ancient ruins. But the farther she goes, the more her visions cast a dark shadow over her team of friends new and old. Someone will betray her along the way. Worse yet, in choosing to save one species, she may condemn humanity and Earth itself.

    ©2024 Yume Kitasei (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT


    "Come to The Stardust Grail for Indiana Jones-style outer space heist adventure, stay for the sensitively drawn characters and thoughtful exploration of other forms of life far beyond our own" Veronica Roth, New York Times bestselling author of Chosen Ones

    "The Stardust Grail is a puzzle box of a book, one that invites readers into an ambitious and endlessly imaginative adventure. A strange, surreal, and startlingly tender glimpse into worlds beyond our own." Grace D. Li, New York Times bestselling author of Portrait of a Thief

    "The Stardust Grail is a boisterous journey, rife with protean planets, intriguing spaceports, and remarkable life forms. The stakes are high. The characters are engaging and delightful. The plot is fast-paced and action-packed. But at its core, the book is also an exploration of understanding, forgiveness, and the importance of being true to our friends, and ourselves. For any fan of space adventures, this book is a must-read." –Emily Jane, USA Today bestselling author of On Earth as it Is on Television

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