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Couverture de The Stafford Collection

The Stafford Collection

De : Lynn Hubbard
Lu par : Alan Meer
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Les membres Amazon Prime bénéficient automatiquement de 2 livres audio offerts chez Audible.

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    Two books in one - Now you can enjoy Run into the Wind & Chase the Moon! Meet the Staffords! Brock Stafford, the Sheriff of Tulsey Town, takes an orphaned boy under his wing. Only to find out, that he is a she. Angry at first at her deceit, Brock soon finds solace in her arms. His younger brother Chase shows up, creating havoc as usual, but Sabrina only has eyes for one man. Will Chase find his true love as well? Run into the Wind A Historical Romance for today's woman.

    Determined to take charge of her own life after her family is slaughtered before her eyes, Sabrina Lovett heads west and disembarks from a train to start anew. Hiding from her affluent brother she takes on the guise of a boy. Everything is going well until the exasperating new Sheriff comes to town. His name is Brock Stafford and he's used to being in control. He's irritated to no end by the stable boy, Will, who challenges him at every turn. Aggravated by his own reaction to the boy, he tries to ignore him completely until tragedy brings them together. Sabrina trusts Brock with her life; but can she trust him with her secret?

    Chase the Moon:

    Amelia is enraptured by Chase's charm and his touch. Will she fit into his world? Or, will Chase give up everything to fit into hers? Set in Mississippi 1886 Meet Chase Stafford. Chase inherited his mother's Comanche blood and his father's sense of humor. After receiving a wedding invitation from his brother Brock, he heads off on a train to Mississippi. Along the way, he runs into Amelia. Half asleep, he mistakes her flowing alabaster hair for that of a banshee. After starting off on the wrong foot can Chase's charm persuade her to give him another chance? Amelia's initial encounter with Chase was unsettling to say the least. The glamorous city girl was taken aback by Chase's forwardness. Nevertheless, she is bound and determined to awaken the sensations that only he can unleash.

    ©2018 Lori Lynn Holtzman (P)2024 Lori Lynn Holtzman

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