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Couverture de The Spy

The Spy

De : Ajay Chowdhury
Lu par : Mikhail Sen, Layla Chowdhury
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    This is Detective Kamil Rahman's toughest assignment yet...

    Kamil Rahman is working for the Metropolitan Police when he gets the call from MI5. They've received intelligence of a terrorist plot, and it's Kamil they need. Posing as a disaffected cop, and working once again in Anjoli's beloved restaurant, Kamil infiltrates the cell. From London he is sent to Kashmir, a place he visited with his parents when he was younger. But his allegiance becomes blurred when he finds himself face to face with an old nemesis...

    For fans of Robert Galbraith, Anthony Horowitz and Elly Griffiths, The Spy is the compelling, thought-provoking new mystery in the Detective Kamil Rahman series

    *This is the fourth in the Detective Kamil Rahman series, though each novel can be enjoyed as a stand-alone*

    About the detectives:

    Kamil has always wanted to be top cop. With a father who reached the position of Police Commissioner of the Calcutta police, what else could he do, other than hanker after an honourable career chasing the bad guys, just like his dad. However, the odds are stacked against him. He's a Muslim in the Met, facing overt and covert racism and he needs to be twice as good as his colleagues to make it. All of this he could cope with, if only his personal life was humming along smoothly.

    Anjoli is searching, but she doesn't know what for. A high-minded psychologist who is super smart, always restless and naturally empathetic, she is meticulous and often finds connections Kamil has missed. She would love to get deeper into crime solving - possibly even have a go at it full-time but she can't shake the feeling that she is an imposter in a game of let's pretend. Kamil makes her laugh, but she doesn't know why she can't make the leap. Why is she so scared of surrendering her heart to him? Does she not feel deserving of love and adoration? Or does she fear a life where she's always waiting for the other shoe to drop?

    ©2024 Ajay Chowdhury (P)2024 Penguin Audio


    'Chowdhury brings his own expertise in modern tech to the plot, combining it with hot button history, and a biting wit. The series goes from strength to strength' VASEEM KHAN

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