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Couverture de The Springridge Incident

The Springridge Incident

De : Sandra K-Horn
Lu par : Sandra KHorn
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    A desperate man. Many unwelcome visitors. When a small town ignores bullying in one generation, it leads to tragedy in the next.

    Consumed by anger, Ben Franklin dreads more attacks on his home. The teens in the small town have named his home "The Ghost House."

    On a moonless Halloween, the beleaguered man does some scaring of his own and injures a teenage girl. The teen, April, followed her two friends in completing the tradition of facing the foreboding structure.

    April grapples with her injury to be able to walk again.

    Sent to prison, Ben encounters the same biases that caused him to lose his freedom. He confronts those issues on the path of self-discovery.

    The Springridge Incident is an enthralling literary novel.

    If you like stories of redemption, friendship, and courage, you'll love best-selling author Sandra K-Horn's triumphant tale.

    Buy The Springridge Incident to feel inspired today.

    ©2024 Sandra M Kucinich-Horn (P)2024 Sandra M Kucinich-Horn


    "I highly recommend listening to this book because it offers a fresh and redemptive view of tragedy. It begins by enacting a shooting incident in which the lives of two strangers intersect. We see how the characters’ lives change as a result of the event as we follow them through their own painstaking recoveries. The alternating sections devoted to each character balance their perspectives. Suspense is built by K Horn setting up situations that appear to be leading to an emotional collision. We witness extraordinary growth, as we explore themes of bullying, disability, forgiveness, redemption, and resilience in the context of the justice system's failings." —Mara Holt, Professor Emerita, Dept of English, Ohio University, author of Collaborative Learning as Democratic Practice: A History (NCTE 2018).

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