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Couverture de The Spirits of Ouija

The Spirits of Ouija

De : Karen A. Dahlman
Lu par : Sarah Mariza
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    This book is my “Ouija tell all”, a 40-year odyssey spent communicating with my spirit friends from the great beyond! They speak of personally-relevant insights, spiritual knowledge and truths, beneficial healing, closure on grief, opening to greatness, developing your empowerment, spiritual growth and soul evolution, to name a few.

    In The Spirits of Ouija: Four Decades of Communication, I share with the listener the unfair misconceptions Ouija has received over the years, from its fall from grace of the parlor rooms of yesteryear to the forgotten dark corners of today’s closets.

    I provide the how to’s, the don'ts, the warnings, the recommendations, and identify various consciousness with whom I’ve communicated.

    1-800-OUIJA4U: it's basically a wireless, cosmic phone, and I explain how it works and how you too can use it.

    Come listen to stories of animal communication, specifically with the pets we love, dead and alive! Yes, I said "alive." Plus, you’ll learn how to use Ouija to tap into your own divine guidance, your higher self, and learn to listen to this guiding principle that resides within. All the while, I share actual accounts from my sessions, including the various entities you can meet, what happens when we are dead, and what happens in between lives.

    Get ready for a phenomenal exploration into consciousness. Join me as I take you behind the veil to meet my spirit friends, up close and personal. A whole new world is awaiting you.

    ©2013 Karen A. Dahlman (P)2023 Karen A. Dahlman

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