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Couverture de The Spirit of Prophecy

The Spirit of Prophecy

De : Annette Capps
Lu par : Tara Slusher
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    A supernatural tool for end-time revival

    You are living in the last of the last days—a season where God is pouring out his Spirit upon believers, empowering them to walk in the greatest flood of prophetic power the earth has ever seen and usher in the end-time harvest. Are you prepared?

    Annette Capps—author, ordained minister, and daughter of well-known author and teacher Charles Capps—invites you, the believer, into the realm of the prophetic flow of the Spirit so you can take your place in the coming revival.

    In The Spirit of Prophecy, Annette shares her own supernatural experiences and encounters with the Holy Spirit and his gifts. She offers unique insight into the seemingly contradictory prophecies being given today and in the past. Also included are prophecies delivered by Charles Capps that are still speaking power and revelation to the body of Christ.

    Subjects you will learn about are:

    • How you can flow in the gifts of the Spirit
    • Shaking the devil's kingdom
    • Reaching beyond to the millennium
    • Sound frequencies that open prophetic winds
    • Prophecy in prayer, preaching, and music
    • Kings, prophets, and nations
    • Women in ministry
    • Counterfeit miracles

    Rise up! It’s time to get equipped with prophetic revival tools!

    ©2022 Annette Capps (P)2022 Harrison House

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