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Couverture de The Spirit Engineer

The Spirit Engineer

De : A. J. West
Lu par : Dickon Farmar
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    "A fiendishly clever tale of ambition, deception, and power." (Derren Brown)

    A chilling debut teeming with spirits, séances, and scandal – the must-listen novel for this spooky season.

    Belfast, 1914. Two years after the sinking of the Titanic, high society has become obsessed with spiritualism, attending séances in the hope they might reach their departed loved ones.

    William Jackson Crawford is a man of science and a sceptic, but one night with everyone sitting around the circle, voices come to him – seemingly from beyond the veil – placing doubt in his heart and a seed of obsession in his mind. Could the spirits truly be communicating with him or is this one of Kathleen's parlour tricks gone too far?

    Based on the true story of Professor William Jackson Crawford and famed medium Kathleen Goligher, and with a cast of characters including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Harry Houdini, The Spirit Engineer conjures a haunted, twisted tale of power, paranoia, and one ultimate, inescapable truth....

    Everyone is talking about The Spirit Engineer

    "Haunting, witty and deeply moving." (Jodie Whittaker)

    "So clever it makes your head spin! The Spirit Engineer is a work of true invention and drama." (Jeremy Vine)

    ©2021 A. J. West (P)2021 Duckworth Books Ltd

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