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Couverture de The Spindle of Fate

The Spindle of Fate

De : Aimee Lim
Lu par : Jennifer Sun Bell
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    When Evie Mei discovers that her recently passed mother was the head of a guild of magical weavers, she enters the Chinese netherworld to try and bring her back in this middle-grade debut.

    Twelve-year-old Evie Mei Huang never did like helping in her mom’s tailor shop. She hated dyeing and spooling the thread and how the measuring tape gets all twisted up. Most of all, now that her mother has died, she hates that she isn’t here anymore.

    When the universe sends a life preserver, Evie knows to grab it. So it’s weird when a talking monkey shows up and tells her that her plain, hardworking tailor mother was actually the head of a guild of magical weavers who control the fate of humanity. He also comes bearing the information that her mother is trapped in Diyu, the Chinese underworld, and that only Evie can get her back. No pressure.

    But the important thing is that Evie’s mom isn’t dead. And if she’s got this one shot to bring her back and save her family, she’s got to take it.

    ©2024 Aimee Lim (P)2024 Dreamscape Media
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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