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Couverture de The Sound of Freedom

The Sound of Freedom

De : Kathy Kacer
Lu par : Gabi Epstein
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    Anna and her family have only one hope left to escape certain doom.

    It’s 1936 and life is becoming dangerous for the Jews of Krakow. As incidents of violence and persecution increase day by day, Anna begs her father to leave Poland, but he insists it’s impossible. How could he give up his position as an acclaimed clarinetist in the Krakow Philharmonic Orchestra? When Anna and her father barely escape from a group of violent thugs, it becomes clear that the family must leave. But how? There seems to be only one possibility. Bronislaw Huberman, a world-renowned violinist, is auditioning Jewish musicians for a new orchestra in Palestine. If accepted, they and their families will receive exit visas. Anna and her grandmother boldly write to Huberman asking him to give Anna’s father an audition, but will that be enough to save them? This poignant story is based on real events in pre-war Poland and Palestine. After saving seven hundred Jews and their families, Huberman went on to establish what later became the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.

    Against an ominous background of the impending Holocaust in Europe and the first Arab-Israeli war, The Sound of Freedom still manages to remind the listener of the goodness in the world.

    ©2018 Kathy Kacer (P)2023 Annick Press


    “A needed addition to any historical fiction collection that seeks to educate students about the Holocaust. This book could even be used in musical curriculum as a fiction connection … Highly Recommended.”—School Library Connection, starred review

    “This straightforward tale of some lesser-known aspects of the time period provides a welcome spark of optimism.”—Kirkus Reviews

    “A vivid portrait of how exhausting and distressing it must be for any minority group living under a repressive regime. It is also a striking illustration of the difficulties they face when starting over in a strange place.”—Quill & Quire

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