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  • The Soul Care Leader

  • Healthy Living and Leading
  • De : Rob Reimer
  • Lu par : Rob Reimer
  • Durée : 11 h et 12 min

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Couverture de The Soul Care Leader

The Soul Care Leader

De : Rob Reimer
Lu par : Rob Reimer
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    How do we live a healthy life and lead others into spiritual, emotional, and relational health and wholeness?

    That is the focus of this book.

    Trying to help others find freedom and wholeness is draining work. What do we do to become healthy and maintain our well-being? What are the practices and rhythms we need to engage in to be effective Soul Care practitioners? How do we create a culture where life-change flourishes? How do we minister in the power of the Spirit so that we can lead others into breakthroughs?

    Too often people are talking about the same problems that they were talking about several years ago but they aren’t finding a path to freedom. We need to help people get to the roots and not merely manage their dysfunction and sin. These are the questions and topics that this book will seek to equip you in as you seek to live and lead people into freedom and fullness in Christ.

    ©2022 Robert Reimer (P)2022 Robert Reimer

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