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Couverture de The Solid Mandala

The Solid Mandala

De : Patrick White
Lu par : Humphrey Bower
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    In The Solid Mandala, Patrick White draws a telling and touching portrait of twin brothers.

    Waldo is the competent man of reason – he sees himself as the superior intellect. Arthur, accepted as a half-wit, is the innocent, God's fool, loving and outgoing in a blundering way. As they compete with and care for each other through half a century, their lives are inextricably intertwined – the two sides of man's nature forming a totality.

    ©1966 Patrick White. Originally published by Jonathan Cape 1976. (P)2019 Bolinda Publishing


    'He is more like Dostoevsky than Thomas Mann: his novels are maelstroms of the soul whose power resides in the nightmare detail which assails their protagonists. They testify to the beauty and contortion of the spirit as few others this century have done.' (Sunday Telegraph)
    'His most finished and powerful work.' (Sunday Times)
    'The theme is interesting ...' (Kirkus Reviews)

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