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Couverture de The Social Emotional Classroom

The Social Emotional Classroom

De : Anna-Lisa Mackey MEd, Melissa Ragan
Lu par : Callie Beaulieu
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    Learn to implement powerful new learning techniques in your classroom experience

    In The Social Emotional Classroom, celebrated educators and authors Anna-Lisa Mackey and Melissa Ragan deliver an insightful, rigorous, and accessible treatment of social emotional learning in education. Using research from the Theory of Constructed Emotion, the authors highlight the relationship between the new view of neurobiology and Social Emotional Learning.

    The book connects five key competencies, including self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, and relationship skills, to this new understanding of the brain. You'll also learn from:

    • Teacher stories included in each chapter
    • The inclusion of over two decades worth of experience and research in the field of social and emotional learning
    • Instructions and guides for educators to embed social and emotional learning into their everyday practices

    Perfect for K-12 educators, principals, superintendents, and other education leaders, The Social Emotional Classroom will also earn a place in the libraries of parents and caregivers who are responsible for young people's day-to-day learning.

    ©2022 Anna-Lisa Mackey and Melissa Ragan (P)2022 Tantor

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