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Couverture de The Smoke That Thunders

The Smoke That Thunders

De : Erhu Kome
Lu par : Robin Miles
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    A fierce young woman chosen by the gods, an innocent boy’s life in the balance, and a dangerous quest to prevent a devastating war.

    In this mesmerizing fantasy rooted in Urhobo and West African folklore, sixteen-year-old Naborhi longs for a life away from her small, traditional clan in Kokori.

    But as her rite of passage approaches and she is betrothed to an arrogant young man, Naborhi feels her dreams slipping away from her.

    Then Naborhi becomes bonded to a mysterious animal and begins having harrowing visions of a kidnapped boy. She soon meets Atai, the son of an Oracle from a rival queendom, and learns that she is being guided by the gods. She and Atai, along with Naborhi’s eager-for-adventure cousin, Tamunor, set off across the continent to rescue the mysterious boy. But when they find him—and find out his true identity—Naborhi realizes there is more than just her freedom at stake: she must stop a war that has already been set in motion.

    With lush, unique worldbuilding and a dynamic cast of characters, The Smoke That Thunders is a gripping story of political intrigue, fierce love, and what it means to be free.

    ©2024 Erhuvwuarho Ogheneobukome Ugbe (P)2024 Recorded Books

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