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  • The Smart Money Method

  • How to Pick Stocks Like a Hedge Fund Pro
  • De : Stephen Clapham
  • Lu par : Darcey Kobs
  • Durée : 10 h et 55 min

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The Smart Money Method

De : Stephen Clapham
Lu par : Darcey Kobs
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    In The Smart Money Method, the stock-picking techniques used by top industry professionals are laid bare for investors. This is the inside track on how top hedge funds pick stocks and build portfolios to make outsize returns.

    Stephen Clapham is a retired hedge fund partner who now trains stock analysts at some of the world’s largest and most successful institutional investors. He explains step-by-step his research process for picking stocks and testing their market-beating potential.

    His methodology provides the tools and techniques to research new stock ideas, as well as maintain and eventually sell an investment.

    From testing your thesis and making investment decisions, to managing your portfolio and deciding when to buy and sell, The Smart Money Method covers everything you need to know to avoid common pitfalls and invest with confidence.

    Unique insight is presented in several specific areas, including how to:

    • Find stock ideas
    • Assess the quality of any business
    • Judge management’s ability
    • Identify shady accounting and avoid dying companies
    • Value any business to find bargain shares
    • Navigate the consequences of COVID-19

    And throughout, there are real-life investing examples and war stories from a 25-year career in stock markets.

    The message is clear - you can beat the market. To do so, you need to learn and apply the insider secrets contained within this book.

    ©2020 Harriman House (P)2021 Harriman House

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