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The Smart Hustle System

De : Boris Mullayev
Lu par : Thomas Cassidy
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Imagine that I am pointing a gun at your head and tell you that you have 10 seconds to answer this question: What is the most important skill that a man can develop to be successful in 2023?

What skill (that if you developed competence in) would have the greatest positive impact on your life? Think deeply before reading on.

The most important skill that a man can develop to achieve success in 2023 and beyond is…smart hustle.

What is smart hustle? Working smart is more important than working hard but working hard is still important. Working hard, smart, and consistently will secure your future. If you have an intelligent work ethic then you will be successful in any field that you enter, and eventually, reach the 0.01 percent of the players in that game. By being a consistent intelligent hard worker, then you can enter any field as a complete beginner and emerge as a master—within only a few years.

If you’re lazy or work mindlessly then you don’t even have a chance. The game of life is very competitive. There’s no room for the lazy, or the hardworking fool taking unintelligent action. Working hard but not smart forces you to work for others who are smarter than you. Since the dawn of time, the strong but dumb worked for the strong and smart. Consistent intelligent work has always been paid exponentially more than unskilled sporadic labor.

How does one develop the habit of taking intelligent hard action every single day?

It does not come from random chance.

  1. It comes from habitually following a methodical system. It is this system that I will teach you in this book.
  2. The smart hustle system the smart hustling system has five components.
  • The skill of setting goals
  • Making step-by-step plans to achieve these goals
  • Taking action every single day towards executing those plans
  • Evaluating the real-world feedback of your actions (utilizing the debriefing strategy)
  • Repeating the system every single day of your life to achieve a 365-day streak
©2022 Boris Mullayev (P)2022 Boris Mullayev
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