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Couverture de The Slowest Burn

The Slowest Burn

De : Sarah Chamberlain
Lu par : Hunter Johns, Kate Handford
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    'Fans of EMILY HENRY will devour this!' Cecilia Rabess

    Love could be a recipe for disaster, or the best thing they ever cooked up...

    Kieran O'Neill should be on top of the world. He's just won a cooking reality TV show, he's on track to open his own restaurant before he turns thirty, and he's even got a high-paying cookbook deal. Still he can't impress his stuck-up family, his ADHD makes planning ahead impossible and, worst of all, his ghostwriter is the most uptight, humourless woman he's ever met. But to be seen as a serious chef like he's always wanted, he needs to finish this book...

    Ellie Wasserman is barely holding it together. She's a thirty-year-old widow living with her needy in-laws, her little brother won't adult without her help, and instead of working on her own cookbook, she's ghostwriting one for the chaotic, impulsive Kieran O'Neill. Or would be, if he'd ever answer her emails. But to own her own home like she's always dreamed of, she needs to finish this book...

    As their deadline gets closer and the heat between them builds, can these two driven, lonely people let go of their past hurts and make something truly sweet together? Or will their fragile new love go up in smoke?

    The ultimate will-they-won't-they, enemies-to-lovers romance that fans everywhere are falling in love with! If you love THE SPANISH LOVE DECEPTION, WILDFIRE and Ali Hazelwood, you will love THE SLOWEST BURN . . .

    'I loved luxuriating in this rich, simmering, clever, sexy romance. Sarah Chamberlain is such an assured writer I almost can't believe it's her debut' Bethany Rutter

    'A treat for the soul and the tastebuds - the perfect foodie romance and a complete joy of a book' Cressida McLaughlin

    'The Slowest Burn is absolutely delicious. Smart, sweet and big-hearted, it is perfect for readers who want a romance that packs an emotional punch' Laura Wood

    ©2024 Sarah Chamberlain (P)2024 Hachette Audio UK
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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