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Couverture de The Skeptic's Guide to Alternative Medicine

The Skeptic's Guide to Alternative Medicine

De : Steven Novella MD, The Great Courses
Lu par : Steven Novella MD
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    Energy medicine. Acupuncture. Superfoods. Healing magnets. What does the scientific evidence really say about these and other "alternative medicine" treatments for personal wellness?

    How can we know if a natural remedy is safe and effective? How can people become their own best skeptical consumer of health news in the media? Join neurologist and science educator Dr. Steven Novella for a fascinating exploration of these and other important questions about the truths—and myths—behind alternative medicine.

    Perhaps the most important skill to have in this brave new world of ever-changing medical news is the ability to evaluate sources and information, and to think critically about how alternative medicine is marketed, regulated, and used. Dr. Novella takes a rigorous, science-based approach in exploring so-called "popular" and "cutting-edge" trends. Armed with this knowledge, listeners will be in a much better position to assess alternative pathways to physical health.

    Dr. Novella’s 10 leading-edge lectures will answer such questions as:

    • Do magnetic fields really have useful biological properties?
    • Why is chiropractic treatment no more effective for pain management than simple physical therapy? 
    • Can brain games truly make one smarter or help in staving off dementia?
    • Can homeopathic remedies, such as those derived from plants and minerals, really cure ailments?
    • Does cupping therapy really help to reduce pain and inflammation, while increasing blood flow?

    Dr. Novella provides insights on the ever-widening gap between alternative medicine and scientific medicine, giving listeners the confidence they need to become their own best health advocates.

    ©2019 Audible Originals, LLC (P)2019 Audible Originals, LLC.

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de The Skeptic's Guide to Alternative Medicine

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