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Couverture de The Sixth Day

The Sixth Day

De : E. S. Kraay
Lu par : Alistair McKenzie
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    One day in the life of five brothers and a strange hobo who reveals the secret of creation.

    Abandoned by deadbeat parents, each boy has a special gift. Sam, a boxer who makes the best pancakes in the world...Peter, the best reader in the world...Jimmy, the best pickpocket in the world...Robert, the best fisherman in the world...and Flap Jack, the most inquisitive boy in the world.

    The day of Sam's fight with The Polish Dropper, Flap Jack and Robert befriend a luckless wanderer and bring him home for supper. When Sam and Jimmy leave for the Armory to ply their trades, Peter reads a special story to his little brothers, a story that puts life into proper perspective. "Who is this old man with all of the answers?" "You boys know Popeye the Sailor Man?" "We seen him in the funny papers." "I s'pose I be like Popeye. I yam what I yam."

    What's better, animals or people? The Sixth Day is the pivotal day in history, the day God almost quit. A quirky, feel good story that you will not want to put down.

    ©2012 E. S. Kraay (P)2013 Eugene S. Kraay

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