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Couverture de The Simple Jane

The Simple Jane

De : Jane Williams
Lu par : Jane Williams
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    The Simple Jane flows from the creative little girl who colored with a handful of crayons all at a time, and saw opportunity around every bend, to the teenager who was misunderstood and molded by family and culture to be who they believed she should be, concluding with the young adult who sailed into the sunset by happily ever after. She had followed the path that was "the right way" and had now become a master at pretend.

    Later, in part two, she started breathing again after dying from conformity. She dared to see life again with the rose colored and enchanted glasses that she was born with. In the thick of the life now, she started making her journey away from the 'straight and narrow' that was instructed to follow, and started braving the path less followed. She started getting directions from her own compass that was calibrated with her heart and unique, playful, and intuitive voice.

    ©2023 Jane Williams (P)2023 Jane Williams

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