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Couverture de The Shriek-a-Rama Spook Show Experience

The Shriek-a-Rama Spook Show Experience

De : Judith Sonnet
Lu par : Danielle Muething
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    There's a movie marathon happening at the Miller Cinema. Everyone is there, including young Georgie Prince.

    Georgie is a horror fan, and he's excited to see some flicks he's never heard of.

    He doesn't realize that there is something wrong with the movies.

    It was an old tradition. A mix of cinema and stage show, where actors playing monsters leapt out of the screen and rampaged through the audience. The only problem is that this time ... they aren't acting!

    Something is turning performers and employees into living, bloodthirsty nightmares!

    It's THE SHRIEK-A-RAMA SPOOK SHOW EXPERIENCE ... and no one is safe!

    SEE the shockingly resurrected mummy!

    WITNESS the mauling teeth of the mad gorilla!

    Be SEDUCED by the tempting wife of Dracula!

    FEAR the unending chaos ... at the MILLER CINEMA!

    Combining old-fashioned chills with modern characters, THE SHRIEK-A-RAMA SPOOK SHOW EXPERIENCE is one of Judith Sonnet's more fun and lighthearted creations! If you grew up watching retro movies, this book is going to drag you—kicking and screaming!—back to the good ol' days! From the co-author of NO ONE RIDES FOR FREE (ABSOLUTE CHAOS), and the writer behind BEAST OF BURDEN, LOW BLASPHEMY, and THE CLOWN HUNT!

    ©2024 Judith Sonnet (P)2024 Fright Night Audio


    "Packed with interesting references to fun old horror flicks—even Edwige Fenech from many giallo films gets in there—Shriek-A-Rama is a fast-paced, creepy ride with a host of interesting characters—and victims. And a "socko" ending! Judith Sonnet fans will love it!"—William Schoell, author of Saurian

    "The Shriek-A-Rama Spook Show Experience reads like a love letter to the golden age of kitschy horror cinema. I absolutely loved it!"—Robert Essig, author of Baby Fights

    "Shriek-A-Rama is a full-throttle blast of nostalgia perfect for horror fans. I haven't had this much fun with a novel in a long time!"—Duncan Ralston, author of WOOM

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