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Couverture de The Shotgun's Wedding: A Cozy Mini-Mystery

The Shotgun's Wedding: A Cozy Mini-Mystery

De : Jwyan C. Johnson
Lu par : Priscilla Broussard
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    It's a very different shotgun wedding as a future in-law is murdered the night before the wedding. And son-in-law is arrested before flying away to the honeymoon destination. The town suspects his bachelor party, which he never attended, was a planned alibi.

    Gun smoke fills the air with a runaway bride, a clever psychologist, dangerous shenanigans, and another law. It's a cozy mini-mystery rematch with Detective Dedra Kare. But will she still Remember to Forget, after being Punished By Silence? And can the Clue Queen both chase down the truth and win an extra bet before the smoke clears from The Shotgun's Wedding?

    This audiobook functions both within the series and as a stand-alone mystery.

    "Stress changes the truth for itself. Peace changes itself for the truth" (Jwyan C. Johnson)

    ©2019 Jwyan C. Johnson (P)2024 Jwyan C. Johnson

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