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Couverture de The Shop-Witch’s Quest

The Shop-Witch’s Quest

De : Aisha Bushby, Patri de Pedro ill, Ailsa Bathgate - editor
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    A shop-witch and a hero must work together to fulfil an important quest in this magical adventure from award-winning children’s author Aisha Bushby.

    In a magical world where heroes go on exciting quests while witches keep everything running behind the scenes, Laurel works in her parents’ shop, supplying everything from enchanted yarn to magical carpets. The shop is struggling after the opening of a big shopping centre nearby, so when a hero waltzes in with a long list of expensive items, Laurel sees an opportunity to help. But there’s one item on the list that isn’t in stock, and it’s going to be very tricky to find, so join Laurel and her wise cat familiar as they take the reluctant hero on a quest to save her parents’ shop.

    ©2024 Aisha Bushby (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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