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Couverture de The Ship Beneath the Ice

The Ship Beneath the Ice

De : Mensun Bound
Lu par : Charles Armstrong, Mensun Bound
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    The extraordinary story of how the Endurance, Sir Ernest Shackleton's ship, was found in the most hostile sea on Earth in 2022

    On 21 November 1915, Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ship, Endurance, finally succumbed to the crushing ice. Its crew watched in silence as the stern rose twenty feet in the air and then, it was gone. The miraculous escape and survival of all twenty-eight men on board have entered legend. And yet, the iconic ship that bore them to the brink of the Antarctic was considered forever lost.

    A century later, an audacious plan to locate the ship was hatched. The Ship Beneath the Ice gives a blow-by-blow account of the two epic expeditions to find the Endurance. As with Shackleton’s own story, the voyages were filled with intense drama and teamwork under pressure. In March 2022, the Endurance was finally found to headlines all over the world.

    Written by Mensun Bound, the Director of Exploration on both expeditions, this captivating narrative includes countless fascinating stories of Shackleton and his legendary ship. Complete with a selection of Frank Hurley’s photos from Shackleton’s original voyage in 1914–17, as well as from the expeditions in 2019 and 2022, The Ship Beneath the Ice is the perfect tribute to this monumental discovery.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 Mensun Bound (P)2022 Macmillan Publishers International Limited


    "Bound has a natural flair for storytelling and his narrative cracks along with the pace of a well-crafted thriller... Captivating and engrossing." (Mail on Sunday)

    "The story of Shackleton’s Endurance is one of the most extraordinary in the history of exploration. This is more than just an astonishing sequel. It is a tale just as powerful, and one which redefines the meaning of impossible." (Sir Michael Palin)

    "The juxtaposition of the original Shackleton expedition with the quest to find the wreck of the Endurance is utterly compelling." (Professor Alice Roberts, Sunday Times bestselling author of Ancestors and TV Presenter)

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