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  • The Shifter Bachelorette: A Rare and Unknown Romance

  • The Rare and The Unknown, Book 2
  • De : Shai August
  • Lu par : Arissa Evans
  • Durée : 7 h et 25 min

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Couverture de The Shifter Bachelorette: A Rare and Unknown Romance

The Shifter Bachelorette: A Rare and Unknown Romance

De : Shai August
Lu par : Arissa Evans
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    Your adventure into Shai August’s world of The Rare and The Unknown continues in this next exciting installment of The Bachelor series…

    Cheryl Junaid, Beta of The Rare and The Unknown, finds herself sucked into the vortex of her twin brother’s mating and the all-consuming shifter society wedding celebration. She keeps trying to pull away gracefully, but everyone just keeps pulling her in deeper and deeper.

    Then the accident of the century makes her the star of the newest, hottest dating show in the world.

    Gradually, Cheryl works her way through the dozen virile and sexy Alpha contestants presented to her, but two men stand head and shoulders above the rest.

    Will Cheryl pick the Alpha who heats her body into an inferno or the Alpha who soothes her soul?

    Stay tuned for the first season of The Shifter Bachelorette!

    ©2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Three Fortnights Press (P)2024 Three Fortnights Press

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