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Couverture de The Shaping of a Diamond

The Shaping of a Diamond

De : Desiree Batiste
Lu par : Denise McKenna
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    The Shaping of a Diamond is a poetic journey through the most emotional moments of author Desiree Batiste's life. Life cut deep, and Desiree was beaten down repeatedly throughout her life. But with each facet, she became the diamond she is today. From childhood through present day, from surviving child abuse to heartbreak, having kids, domestic violence, divorce, and mental health issues—The Shaping of a Diamond leaves out nothing and is a raw, uncensored look at the pain which shaped, inspired, and pushed her to her limits, as well as the moments which healed and saved her. This compilation of poems written by Desiree over a 27-year period contains works from the following genres: Motivational, Emotive, Adult, Inspirational/Uplifting, Moods, Romance, Death/Loss, Spirituality and Mental Illness Awareness. Her goal in sharing this book with the world was twofold: to provide healing and closure to herself for all of the traumatic experiences she endured and to provide strength, understanding, inspiration, motivation, and encouragement to others who may find themselves currently in similar circumstances.

    Trauma, sadness, and loss have a tendency to make people feel like they are isolated and alone. It becomes harder to function and to carry on. By creating this book, Desiree has reached out to any and all people who have had similar experiences and feelings to let them know that "we are all in this together". Her survival enabled her to achieve inner peace and start the wonderful life she has now, and she believes if she can achieve it, anyone else has the same chance at peace and happiness. Desiree's hope for each and every person who hears The Shaping of a Diamond is that they find answers, comfort, peace, joy...and to know that there is at least one "someone" out there that understands what they are going through, and cares. Where feelings can be shared, one is never alone.

    ©2022 Desiree Batiste (P)2023 Desiree Batiste

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