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Couverture de The Shadows of the Kingdom

The Shadows of the Kingdom

De : Jen Bliton
Lu par : Meg Price, Neill Thorne
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    Embrace the shadows or choose a path of light.

    After defeating the evil behind the attacks on the southern lands of Caldumn, Wren and Tyran settle into their new life that begs to be calm… or so they thought.

    Amid questions surrounding the Red Kingdom’s threat and the aftermath of Rhonin’s advance, Wren and Tyran receive an ominous letter from a mysterious magic kind that has remained hidden, warning of the Red Kingdom’s motives.

    Left with the threat that won’t just be to the towns, but their world as they know it, Wren and Tyran begin the journey to stop the Red Kingdom at all costs. Faced with conflicting beliefs about what they should do, their relationship is tested in more ways than they can imagine.

    The Shadows of the Kingdom is book two in a young adult fantasy trilogy, drawing you deeper into this world of high stakes quests, dark shadow magic, and struggles to keep a relationship whole when two minds are at odds at what’s right. This series is perfect for fans who love the cozy dark fantasy vibes Sorcery of Thorns but also love the epic fantasy vibes of The Witcher.

    ©2023 Jennifer Bliton (P)2023 Jennifer Bliton

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