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The Seven Steps to Successful Relationships

De : Keith Leon, Maura Leon
Lu par : Erica MacKenzie Smith
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What if you had a simple set of tools that could give you everything you want?

In this life-changing book you will learn: a step-by-step process for creating the relationship of your dreams, the importance of visualization and self-exploration, how to make a plan that works, how letting go of control can get you more of what you want, how to stop sabotaging your relationships by asking the WRONG questions, a powerful communication tool for preventing conflict and improving all of your relationships, the truth about honesty, the gifts of gratitude.

Are you tired of so-called professionals giving you nothing but a bunch of theories, studies, and incomprehensible psycho-babble? Want an easy-to-read book written by regular people just like you? We are not psychologists, we are relationship specialists. The examples we use in this book are from our own experience in our own relationships. This seven-step process has worked for us, it has worked for others, and it can work for you too! This is not just another book that tells you how someone else achieved results, gets you all charged up and then leaves you to fend for yourself in the real world.

We walk you through the step-by-step process that we used, and we teach you how to do it for yourself. At the end of each chapter, you will find writing exercises and action steps to move you through the process and keep you on track.

In The Seven Steps to Successful Relationships, you'll find answers to your most common questions about relationships, from finding a mate, to saving a marriage, to communicating more effectively at work.

Keith and Maura have developed practical and powerful tools for creating relationships that work.

--John Gray, Ph.D., Author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

©2007 - 2015 Keith and Maura Leon (P)2015 Babypie Publishing
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