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The Sellout

De : Frederick Moll
Lu par : Tom Briggs
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The Sellout is commercial fiction based upon the entry of the US M1A2 Abrams main battle tank in an international tank competition. This competition, among the French, Germany, British, and US main battle tanks was held to determine which country would win a contract to co-produce their main battle tank in the country of Turkey as a deterrent to regional wars and Russian hegemony.

The audiobook is based upon fact, using a fictional version of the Abrams M1A2 tank as the US entry into this competition.

The focus of the audiobook uses these wars for regional dominance, such as what is now taking place in the Ukraine, as a backdrop to the story. Using a fictional major US defense international corporation as the vehicle to develop the story, the tale unfolds as seen through the eyes of the audiobook's main character, Frank Russo.

Frank is a corporate man who is caught up in the labyrinth of office politics, conflicting interests, and the quest for profits, which afflict most large US defense corporations. He is also torn between loyalty to his wife and the love of another woman who happens to be the daughter of the majority stockholder in this multi-billion dollar corporation.

Set in an international backdrop that includes Washington DC, Detroit Michigan, Moscow, and Istanbul, the listener has an inside view into not only the workings of a US global defense corporation, but also the operation and crew interactions of a modern main battle tank.

The additional mixture of supporting characters to include a female assassin, unscrupulous corporate executives, and international power moguls, coupled with weapons demonstrations, murder, sex, and international intrigue makes for a thrilling action-packed story along the lines of a Harold Robbins novel.

©2015 Frederick John Moll (P)2023 Frederick John Moll
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