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  • The Seller’s Journey: Your Guidebook to Closing More Deals with N.E.A.T. Selling

  • De : Richard Harris
  • Lu par : Richard Harris
  • Durée : 3 h et 33 min

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The Seller’s Journey: Your Guidebook to Closing More Deals with N.E.A.T. Selling

De : Richard Harris
Lu par : Richard Harris
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    If you think business isn’t personal, think again. Even as AI will change the landscape of sales, when you work in sales, you work with people. And there is a certain level of humanity that must be upheld in these relationships. That means navigating egos, trust, and differing opinions. And while it may be your job to make the sale, it is the tactics you put into play that form your relationship with the buyer and support the buyer’s journey. Create a better buying experience and start closing more revenue.

    With over twenty years of personal experience in sales training, operations, and sales leadership, Richard Harris is ready to help you do just that. The Seller’s Journey is your guidebook to Richard’s N.E.A.T Selling philosophy, methodology, and process. By bringing together his thirteen sales tactics with insights from psychology and his own life, Harris provides you with a sales compass that helps to orient you on your own journey and bring your own authentic self to the process.

    Discover how to have your clients fall in trust with you so that you can earn the right to ask the right questions at the right time. And learn how best to integrate these strategies into your already established systems. Including real-world scenarios to help bring his approach into focus, these methods are a must for any salesperson’s playbook and helps us all bring the humanity back into sales. Richard Harris revolutionized how salespeople approach their profession. With The Seller’s Journey, he puts the revolution directly into your hands. If you’re ready to think differently and bring your whole self into your sales, this book is for you.

    ©2024 The Harris Consulting Group LLC (P)2024 The Harris Consulting Group LLC

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