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Couverture de The Secrets of Water

The Secrets of Water

De : Shoshana Edwards
Lu par : James R. Cheatham
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    The tranquil waters of Harper's Landing hide an ancient evil.Jim Burch, Sheriff of Harper's Landing, must solve a deadly mystery in his once-quiet town. Animals and pets, a visitor, and many children have been killed under mysterious circumstances. Sheriff Burch loves Harper’s Landing; the townspeople help each other through the good times and the bad—bringing food, lending a hand, and showing up for each other.

    Jim knows how to be a detective. He is trained to remain calm and search for clues and evidence in order to solve cases. Except, the circumstances of the deaths defy logic. It will take all of his knowledge—and faith—to solve the secret hidden in the water of Harper's Landing.

    If you love whodunits with a twist and stories rich with complex characters set in a town rife with magic and mystery, The Secrets of Water is the book for you!

    ©2023 Shoshana Edwards (P)2023 Shoshana Edwards


    "With The Secrets of Water, Shoshana Edwards takes us deep into the darkness of American folklore while creating genuine, contemporary thrills. Absolutely terrific!" —Jonathan Maberry, NY Times bestselling author of Ink and V Wars.

    Shoshana Edwards has a lot to say, and she says it with meticulous insight and evocative language." —David Gerrold

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