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Couverture de The Secret of Evil

The Secret of Evil

De : Roberto Bolano
Lu par : Tony Plana
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    A collection that gathers everything Bolano was working on before his untimely death.

    A North American journalist in Paris is woken at 4 a.m. by a mysterious caller with urgent information. For V. S. Naipaul the prevalence of sodomy in Argentina is a symptom of the nation’s political ills. Daniela de Montecristo (familiar to readers of Nazi Literature in the Americas and 2666) recounts the loss of her virginity. Arturo Belano returns to Mexico City and meets the last disciples of Ulises Lima, who play in a band called The Asshole of Morelos. Belano’s son Gernimo disappears in Berlin during the Days of Chaos in 2005. Memories of a return to the native land. Argentine writers as gangsters. Zombie schlock as allegory...

    The various pieces in the posthumous Secret of Evil extend the intricate, single web that is the work of Roberto Bolano.

    ©2007 The Heirs of Roberto Bolano, Copyright 2007 by Editorial Anagrama, Translation copyright 2012 by Chris Andrews, Translation copyright 2011 by Natasha Wimmer (P)2013 Audible, Inc.

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