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Couverture de The Secret That's Holding You Back

The Secret That's Holding You Back

De : Vincent Genna
Lu par : Vincent Genna
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    Become Unstoppable. What’s Holding You Back?

    If you’re not pursuing a rewarding career, if you’re not in loving relationships, if you’re not financially secure, if you’re not healthy and vital, if you aren’t fulfilling your purpose and passion—or don’t even know your purpose or passion—then you’re stopping yourself without even knowing it.

    Psychic Therapist Vincent Genna explains the mechanisms and processes at work—your brain has unconsciously created that block and even sabotages your efforts to create a meaningful life. The bottom line is you don’t believe what you think you believe!

    After almost four decades of study, research, and experience in the fields of metaphysics, the paranormal, and psychology, Genna discovered unique divisions of the unconscious mind never before identified that the human brain developed through the processes of survival and protection to harbor most of our true belief systems. The secret inner workings of these heretofore unknown minds stop you from using your true divine gifts and abilities—or even knowing your life purpose and passions.

    In this book, the secret is revealed. You will:

    • Learn how to develop the consciousness and practices to elevate your ability to live an authentically expressed life.
    • Discover the steps you need to manifest what you desire in this life.
    • Put the Law of Attraction to work in your life now.
    • Hear stories of how Genna’s psychic readings helped others release their passion and purpose.

    Vincent Genna, a talented psychic therapist and medium, is a sought-after media guest nationally and internationally. He lives with his wife, Eileen, in North Carolina.

    ©2022 Vincent Genna (P)2022 G&D Media

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