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The Secret Society of Success

De : Tim Schurrer, Donald Miller
Lu par : Tim Schurrer
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    Includes audiobook-exclusive interviews with David Novak, former CEO of Yum! Brands, Olympic gold medalist Scott Hamilton, and Becca Stevens, founder of Thistle Farms!

    Read by the author.

    It’s time to redefine success.

    “The book you’re about to read is an absolute game changer, life changer, and outlook changer. . . . You will never view success the same way again. And that’s a very good thing.”—ERNIE JOHNSON JR., Emmy Award winner and host of TNT’s Inside the NBA

    There’s a message getting a lot of airtime these days. It says to be successful, you have to step into the spotlight, climb the ladder, become the boss, or chase whatever version of success that’s been dangled in front of you.

    But what if there’s another way? What if fame, money, and power aren’t all that we should be chasing?

    In The Secret Society of Success, Tim Schurrer invites you to reevaluate your definition of success and learn a new, freer way to go about achieving it. How do you learn this approach? With the Secret Society as your guide—a community of people who know how to make an impact, whether they have the spotlight or not. The Secret Society will teach you to

    • define success for yourself;
    • contribute to your team without minding who gets the credit;
    • make an impact that spans far beyond yourself, regardless of the size of your platform;
    • navigate living in the tension between contentment and striving;
    • go from feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and restless in your job to being confident in the value you bring to the team; and
    • discover meaning and fulfillment in the work that you do.

    Through powerful stories of people like the CEO of Apple Tim Cook, NBA all-star LeBron James, Fred Rogers of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, and people whose names you’ve never heard of, you will discover that the success you’re looking for is within your reach, wherever you are and whatever your role.

    The appendix is included in the audiobook companion PDF download.

    The Secret Society of Success is an important book that everyone should read. It is not only insightful; it’s inspirational. This book captures what it really means to be successful. I am for one ready to up my game! Thank you, Tim, for giving me this gift!”—DAVID NOVAK, cofounder and former chairman and CEO of Yum! Brands (KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut)

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 Tim Schurrer (P)2022 Thomas Nelson

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