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Couverture de The Secret Keepers

The Secret Keepers

De : Trenton Lee Stewart
Lu par : Cameron Brown
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    Acclaimed New York Times best-selling author and E. B. White Read Aloud Award winner Trenton Lee Stewart returns with a captivating, heart-stopping adventure about thrilling secrets and dangerous mysteries - and the courage to reveal the most frightening of truths.

    Eleven-year-old Reuben spends his days exploring, hiding, and practicing parkour among the abandoned buildings of the Lower Downs as a way to escape the rough times that have befallen him and his mom - but his discovery of an extraordinary antique pocket watch changes everything. When Reuben finds that the watch has the power to turn him invisible, he's propelled on the adventure of a lifetime.

    Now Reuben is being pursued by a group of dangerous men called the Directions, and someone - or something - ominously called The Smoke. They all want the watch, and with the help of new friends it's up to Reuben to unravel the mysteries surrounding it and protect the city from evil.

    New York Times best-selling author Trenton Lee Stewart's latest novel will enthrall old and new fans alike with the twists and turns of an inventive and compelling adventure reminiscent of The Mysterious Benedict Society series.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio.

    ©2016 Trenton Lee Stewart (P)2016 Hachette Audio
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "Real flashlight under the bedclothes material...this story flies past, thrilling us as it goes." ( Horn Book)
    "Tackles personal concerns: abandonment, family, loyalty, and facing one's fears." ( Booklist)
    "Fans of Roald Dahl or Blue Balliett will find a familiar blend of kid power, clues, and adventure." ( School Library Journal)
    "Cameron Brown's narration enhances the story's atmosphere. He employs clear enunciation and expert pacing to immerse the listener in Reuben's mind as he puzzles his way through the mystery. Brown's performance will engage young listeners who enjoy being on tenterhooks and feeling deliciously scared as they inhabit a dark world. He uses inflection to give unique voices to the many characters. Mrs. Genevieve, Reuben's moral compass, is especially well voiced with an appropriately foreign but grandmotherly accent." ( AudioFile)

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